A. Publications
1. G.E. Romanos, S. Pelekanos, J.R. Strub. A comparative histological study of wound healing following Nd- YAG laser with different energy parameters and conventional surgical incision in rat skin J. Clin. Laser Med. Surg. 1995;13- 11-16.
2. G.E. Romanos, S. Pelekanos, J.R. Strub. Histological and Immunohistochemical observations of the wound healing processes after the use of the Nd YAG laser in rat skin: Distribution of Collagen Types IV and VII in connective Tissue. J. Clin Laser Med. Surg. 1995;13-2- 87-95.
3. G.E. Romanos, S. Pelekanos and J.R. Strub. Effects of Nd YAG laser on wound healing processes: Clinical and immunohistochemical findings in rat skin.Lasers Surg. Med. 1995;16 368-379.
4. G. E. Romanos, M. Altmann, S. Pelekanos, J. R. Strub. Anwendung von Laser- und H.F.-Preparation an der Rattenhuut. Klinische und Histologische Untersuchung der Wundheilung. Z. W. R 1998;107: 274-279.
5. D. Xarisis, S. Pelekanos. Die asthetische Vollkeramik-Maryland – Brucke. Quintessenz Zahntech 2003;29(4):448-459.
D.Xarisis, S. Pelekanos. El puente estetico de ceramica pura. Quintessence Tecnica 2003;Nov 14(9): 473-484.
6. Koutayas S.O., Vagkopoulou Th., Pelekanos S., Koidis P., Strub J.R. Zirconia in Dentistry: Part 2. Evidence-based Clinical Breakthrough. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2009 winter 4 (4): 348-380.
7. Pelekanos S., Koumanou M., Koutayas S.O., Zinelis S., Eliades G. Micro – CT evaluation of the marginal fit of different In – Ceram alumina copings. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2009 autumn; 4(3):278 – 92.
8. Ntounis A., Pelekanos S. Custom copings for accurate impressions of multiple internal connection implants. Implant Dent. 2010 Oct; 19(5):365-9.
9. Krasanaki M.E., Pelekanos S., Andreiotelli M., Koutayas S.O., Eliades G. X-ray Microtomographic evaluation of the influence of two preparation types on the marginal fit of CAD/CAM alumina copings: A Pilot Study. J Prosthodont 2012;25:170-72.
10. Kypraiou V, Pelekanos S, Eliades G. Identification of monoclinic phase in CAD-CAM zirconia FPD frameworks. Eur J Esthet Dent 2012;7(4):418-429
11. Ntounis N., Nguyen M., Pelekanos S. Screw vs cement retained restorations for provisionalisation of implants. Clinical Advances in Periodontics 2012; 2(3) : 200 – 216
12. Ntounis A., Patras M. , Pelekanos S. , Polyzois G. Treatment of Hemi – Mandibulectomy Defect with Implant – Supported Telescopic Removable Prosthesis . A Clinical Report Journal of Prosthodontics 2013 ;00:1-5.
13. Pelekanos S., Ntounis A. , Jovanovic S. , Euwe E. Definitive Abutment Driven Stage- Two Surgery as a Means to Reduce Peri-implant Soft Tissue Changes : Introduction of a New Concept Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013 ; 33 : 193-199.
14. Petropoulou A., Pappa E. , Pelekanos S. , Esthetic Considerations when replacing missing maxillary incisors with implants. A clinical Report. J Prosthet Dent 2012; 109 : 140-144.
15. Nikolovieni D. , Kourtis S. , Pelekanos S. , Surface characterization of ten titanium dental implants . Oδοντοστοματολογικη Προοδος 2013;67(1):50-73
B. Published Abstracts
1. Romanos G.E., Schroeter-Kermani C., Pelekanos S., Strub J.R. Extracellular matrix differences in healthy human periodontal and periimplant gingival tissues. J Dent Res 1992;71, Special Issue (IADR Abstracts) Abstr. No 1911, p.754.
2. Pelekanos S., Romanos G.E., Strub J.R. Variations of the extracellular matrix components after the use of the Nd-YAG laser with different energy parameters. J Dent Res 1993;72 Special Issue (IADR Abstracts), Abstr. No 1496, p.290.
3. Pelekanos S., Romanos G.E., Altmann M. Wound healing characteristics after the use of the Nd-YAG laser and electrosurgery. A clinical and immunohistochemical study in rat skin. Wound Repair and Regeneration 1994;2(1):p.89 (Abstract)
4. G.E. Romanos, S.Pelekanos, J.R. Strub.: Histological and Immunohistochemical observations of the wound healing processes after the use of the Nd ? YAG laser in rat skin: Distribution of Collagen Types IV and VII in connective Tissue. Πρακτικά 16ου Πανελλήνιου Οδοντιατρικού Συνεδρίου, 24-27 Οκτωβρίου 1996, Abstr. No 10, σελ. 63-64.
5. Pelekanos S. CAD-CAM Assisted Electroplating of High Density Alumina and Zirconia Core Materials: A New Concept? 2005 ICP meeting, Greece, Abstr. No 79, p.84.
6. Yfantis C., Pelekanos S., Vasoglou M. Prosthetic Treatment of a Cleft Lip and Palate Patient with the use of Electroforming Technology: A Case Report. 2005 ICP meeting, Greece, Abstr. No 278, p.199.
7. Pelekanos S., Koumanou M.. Restoring With the Double Crown Technique. 2005 ICP meeting, Greece.
8. Koutayas S.O., Fanariwti T., Pelekanos S., Strub JR. [POSTER 121]Spectrophotometric evaluation of the influence of different backgrounds on the color of lithium disilicate glass ceramic crowns. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry; Abstract P121: 2009, Las Vegas, NV, US.
9. Eliades G., Kypraiou V., Pelekanos S., Zinelis S. 3D-surface roughness, microstructure and monoclinic-phase distribution in Y-TZP CAD/CAM frameworks. 45th CED/NOF-IADR Meeting, Budapest, Aug 31 – Sept 3 2011, Abstr.